CampBay Secret : Condition Zero

18 03 2007

The earth was scorched. All living dead. Trees charred beyond recognition. What was once a town of bustling joy and activity turned into a city of radioactive dust. The Faction had played its trump card. A low yield tactical nuclear shell was exploded in the early hours of a beautiful Sunday. The low altitude burst guaranteed a  “one hundred percent” causality rate. Nothing was spared… not even the sleeping citizens of sector E45…

In the days leading to international dispute over the krector straits, war seemed imminent. World organizations seemed to fear the start of a new great war. They could do nothing but sit and watch as the two nations seemed to dispute endlessly over the sovereignty of the straits. And neither side seemed to give in. Humanity had just revived itself from extinction at the expense of a planet and great loss of human lives. Humans failed to realize that, at the dawn of the first revival, the enemy was none other than war itself. It was just a matter of time until the whole world would divide themselves into theatres of bloodshed…



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